Scriborder Hero

General Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education record. FERPA gives a parent/guardian (“Parent”) certain rights with respect to their children's education record. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level (an "Eligible Student"). The student education record of Eligible Students can only be released to a Parent with written consent from the Eligible Student, by providing other legal documentation, or by certifying the Eligible Student was a dependent for tax purposes the previous tax year.

In accordance with FERPA and under Poudre School District Policy JRA/JRC, a student’s education record will not be released to a third-party without written consent, unless such disclosure is permitted under FERPA.

Requests for a student’s education record submitted online are subject to a $5.00 transaction fee (does not apply to requests from other schools/districts serving K12 students). In accordance with the current Board-Adopted Schedule of Student Fees and Other Select Charges, other fees/charges may apply when requesting student’s education record.

Please note the information below:

  • Requests for a student’s education record completed online will be processed on days District offices are open according to the current District calendar between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM.
  • You will receive emails from to notify you of the status of your request. It is important you read these emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request.
  • Third party requests must include the PSD Consent to Release Student Education Record to a Third Party form. The form can be uploaded during the request process.
  • Fee waivers are available for PSD students only. You must submit the waiver form each school year to have fees and charges waived for that school year. To avoid the ScribOrder convenience fee, you may request records in person at the school site or the Records Department. Please note that any applicable fees and charges for the records will remain unchanged unless the Fee/Charges waiver has been completed.
  • To request records online through ScribOrder, if eligible for Fee/Charge Waivers: After filling out request and continuing to the "Update Fees - Prepare For Checkout" page, on the bottom left, click Request Hardship Fee Waiver. A pop-up will ask you to Please explain your reason for a Hardship Fee Waiver. Type: Eligible for Fee Waiver. The Records Department will verify eligibility and approve or deny hardship. NOTE: Records can still be sent electronically. Learn more at the Fees/Charges Website.
  • All requests will be delivered electronically to the email you provide or to the educational institutions that accept electronic transcripts via ScribOrder’s systems secure download method. However, a delivery address is still required in order to process the request.
    • If electronic delivery is not available, the requested student education record will be mailed via USPS.
  • ALL requests will be sent via Electronic Mail Delivery unless specifically stated in the Special Instructions to be physically mailed.
  • Click the appropriate link button on the left to request student education record.


Please note that this website is optimized for IE 8.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

All requests will be checked for accuracy. Any inaccurate information may result in your request being delayed or not being processed. All communication with regard to the request including payment, processing status, and delivery of the requested education record will be sent from to the email address provided in the request.


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K-12 Districts Select The Following To Get Started:

The Following May Be Requested by Alumni: must meet ALL requirements
Official School Transcript
$3.00 fee + $5.00 convenience fee
Immunization Record $5.00 convenience fee
Discipline Reports $5.00 convenience fee
Attendance Records $5.00 convenience fee
Standardized Test Scores $5.00 convenience fee
IEP/504/SPED $5.00 convenience fee
Health Folder $5.00 convenience fee
Enrollment History $5.00 convenience fee
All the above (Student Education File) $5.00 convenience fee
Other: Must specify in Special Instructions Box $5.00 convenience fee

If Ordering an IEP, 504, or SPED record, Please specify which document you need.

A Parent or Legal Guardian may order documents on behalf of the student if the student is under the age of 18 years old.

  • If ordering for a recent graduate who is over the age of 18, a completed dependency authorization will be required to be signed in the authorization signature section of the order submission. 

The Following May Be Requested by Corporations / Universities / Attorneys:
Official School Transcript $3.00 fee + $5.00 convenience fee
Verification of Graduation $5.00 convenience fee
Immunization Record $5.00 convenience fee
Discipline Reports $5.00 convenience fee
Attendance Records $5.00 convenience fee
Standardized Test Scores $5.00 convenience fee
IEP/504/SPED $5.00 convenience fee
Health Folder $5.00 convenience fee
Enrollment History $5.00 convenience fee
All the above (Student Education File) $5.00 convenience fee
Other: Must specify in Special Instructions Box $5.00 convenience fee

If Ordering an IEP, 504, or SPED record, Please specify which document you need.

When ordering a student record, the PSD Third-Party release of information signed by the student is required to be uploaded to the order tracker.

The Following May NOT Be Requested:

For More Information, Contact:

Poudre School District
2445 LaPorte Ave, Bldg G
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2297

Phone: 970-490-3146


Business Hours

Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM